… how this world works.

If somebody had told me this morning that a person was denied the right to immigrate solely on the basis of his/her weight, I would have considered this some sort of sick joke. But no, sure enough, the world is really this crazy.

Richie Trezise is currently fasting so that she can join her husband in New Zealand. She has a BMI of 42 (where 25 is already considered overweight).  New Zealand’s immigration laws only allow a certain maximum waist circumference (88 centimeters for women and 102 for men). Her husband just barely made this cut.

I find this extremely discriminating. It seems to tacitly assume that we are 100% in control of our own body weight, which is more than doubtful. It also doesn’t even give her the option to pay more for health insurance (… increased costs for health care being the supposed reason for denying her immigration …).